Saturday, January 15, 2011

Did You Know That the Actress Who Played Sailor Mars in PGSM was in Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift? Well, You Do Now!

Click Here for Previous Part.



EUDIAL is still typing in commands in an effort to fix the problem. After a second, we see the hardware she installed beginning to smoke-- the smoke, however, is a strange, artificial colour (like bright purple or green), almost as if it's meant to be noticed. EUDIAL stops typing and rushes toward the hardware, blowing away smoke and prying off a metal casing in order to get inside. To her horror, she finds the inner workings covered in snails, along with the words "UGLY SNAIL LADY EUDIAL."


What the--?


Hello Eudial.

EUDIAL turns around in shock. The Capcom video screens form a moving collage, displaying MIMETE'S face-- the resultant display is so large that the audience can only see a fraction of it, never the whole thing.


Bet you never thought you'd see this face again. Bet you thought I was really, truly gone.





Before we go on--

EUDIAL, no longer listening, hurries back to the apparatus and starts batting away the snails.


-- I thought I should warn that any attempt to make repairs--

EUDIAL starts to reach deeper inside the apparatus-- and is greeted by a nasty electric shock, one that could easily kill a human.


-- will result in. . . hell, who am I kidding, you've probably find out by now. Ha ha ha.

EUDIAL, still wincing in pain, looks inside the apparatus, and finds the surrepetitiously installed component generating the shock. She pauses a moment to think, while MIMETE drones on.


Inside of armor. USAGI squeezes her head down as far as she can, arms tucked into the armor's torso, to avoid being spotted through the visor. Outside, a GUARD and a convention WORKER (kind of a lazy stoner type) can be heard talking.



But that booth is all the way on the other end! How did it end up here?



I don't know. I don't care. It's an obstruction, we can't let it sit here. Just get it out of the way. Take it over there, and let them handle it.



Got it.

For a brief moment, silence. Then, the upper section of the armor lifts up (from the WORKER trying to lift the armor from underneath the shoulders) and USAGI briefly spots the DISGUISE PEN. She reaches out to grab it, but before she can get a grip, the WORKER lowers the torso back down. The PEN falls to the ground as USAGI pulls her arm back in.



Damn it.

The armor begins to shuffle, the worker groaning from the effort of lifting both the armor and USAGI. After a could of seconds, the armor is lowered.



Christ. . . Looks like I need a dolly.

USAGI peeks out the visor. She sees the WORKER walk away from the armor, stop, bend down to pick something up, and then keep walking. Then, after a moment, the armor vanishes, and USAGI is in her normal clothes.


Oh, thank God!

USAGI runs into the middle of the aisle, looking for the fallen DISGUISE PEN. No sign. Then, USAGI catches sight of the worker walking off. Disappearing behind someone, he then reappears. . . dressed in a different outfit.


Tracking shot of the WORKER as he makes his way down the aisle, admiring the many costumes on display (particularly those worn by attractive women), repeatedly clicking on the DISGUISE PEN. As a result, he assumes the dress of everyone he sees (which means he's often in scanty woman's clothing). This earns the hapless, unaware WORKER more than a few double takes, particularly from the women he is admiring. Being kind of an idiot, he just smiles and nods.


USAGI. Horrified, she runs as fast as she can toward the ever changing WORKER, forcing her way past the crowd. Finally, she catches up to the WORKER and stops him.


Hold it! Hold it! Stop!

(points to PEN)

Excuse me, but that's mine!

The WORKER looks at the pen, somehow not noticing his new appearance.




Yes, the pen! It's mine!


Well, you'll have to file a claim.


. . . What?!


I'll leave it with security. You can fill out a form and claim it from them.


Oh. . . Okay.

USAGI kicks the worker right between the legs. However, his particular costume acts as a defacto "cup," and he feels almost nothing.



The WORKER breifly gazes down, and finally realizes how he's dressed.



USAGI grabs the pen out of the stunned WORKER'S hand and makes a run for it. Unfortunately, right ahead of her are a pair of SECURITY GUARDS.



USAGI, after a short comedy beat, screams in terror and exasperation and runs in the opposite direction.


Hallway. TELLU escorts MARIE down the hall, keeping everyone at a distance, including some rather frustrated-looking executives from the Manga company publishing the new Sailor V manga. TELLU smiles that evil smile of hers as we--



EUDIAL has ripped wires out of the walls and the control panel. Moving at superhuman speed, she's piecing together a device to bypass the electric current. MIMETE is still on screen, still droning on.


Ugly snail lady. . . Stupid snail lady. . . Smelly snail lady.


(frustrated, explodes at MIMETE-- in Engrish)



It's funny. . . all those years you wanted me gone. All those years you blamed me for every single screw-up. . . the turth is, all those years I was making you look good.

EUDIAL is suprised by this-- that doesn't sound like something MIMETE would say, especially now.


I was covering up for you. Deliberately, accidentally. . . doesn't matter.

EUDIAL puts the finishing touches on her jerry-rigged invention (which is connected to her original apparatus) and prepares to activate it.


Mimete. . . I have a theory. . .


Every time I messed up--

EUDIAL activates the device. Sparks fly from the control apparatus, and the video collage becomes distorted.


I-I-I... I--

Then, the image of MIMETE is replaced, briefly, by that of TELLU.


-- acted as c-cover for your incompetannnnt a-a-ass--

And then the screen goes black. The room, once again, is lit only by the red emergency light. A misty smoke fills the room. EUDIAL still has a lot of work to do, but it's a start.


Ah. . . whaddaya know.

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