Monday, December 5, 2011

Japanese Journal #3






  September 25th (Sunday)
Weather: Rainy

 I like food, and I like to eat. I enjoy both Japanese and Western cuisine.

 On Friday, I ate some of my mom's homemade pork fried rice. On Saturady, I had sushi and ramen noodles for lunch. Then, that night, because my parents like Chinese cuisine, we went to China Sail Restaurant and ate wonton soup. (I also like Chinese cuisine.) However, the most important meal of the day is breakfast. Saturday morning, I ate fried eggs and onions. That was a pretty good breakfast, but this morning (ed: Sunday, Sept. 25th) I ate pancakes with strawberries and sugar. All in all, this menu wans't all that great. (ed: That last sentence was suggested by my Japanese teacher, possibly as a polite expression of humility. Or maybe she just wasn't all that impressed.)

 Nevertheless, I quite enjoy the diversity and deliciousness of food. Don't you? 

 I'm trying make my translations a bit less literal -- my first two posts have shown me just how poorly the flow and structure of Japanese translates into English. Hopefully, my translations will sound less awkward as I go on.

 Also, these journals do get more interesting. I promise.

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